Título: Pleasure Reading Among First-Year University Students
Autores: Parlette, Melanie; Conestoga College, Kitchener
Howard, Vivian; Dalhousie University
Fecha: 2010-12-17
Publicador: University of Alberta Learning Services
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

focus groups
Tema: pleasure reading; academic librarianship; readers' advisory
Descripción: Objectives – This study examines the reading habits and experiences of first-year undergraduate students at Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Methods – First-year undergraduate university students (aged 18 to 20) were recruited to take part in focus group discussions and responses were analysed to examine the following topics: (1) the role of reading in their lives, both academic and personal; (2) the development of reading habits from childhood; (3) reading engagement strategies; and (4) selection strategies. Results – This study suggests that reading for pleasure is a well-established habit amongst many first-year undergraduate students. First-year undergraduates primarily read for pleasure in order to relax but also recognize that pleasure reading can play a positive role in their academic performance, enhancing their range of background knowledge as well as their active vocabulary. Conclusions – The conclusions of this research provide recommendations for librarians and university administration to engage students and increase rates of retention in postsecondary institutions. In particular, recommendations related to the importance of pleasure reading collections, campus reading programs, book clubs, readers’ advisory services and quiet and comfortable reading areas in academic libraries are provided.
Idioma: Inglés
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