Título: Effect of different management conditions on rutting behaviour of Indian dromedary camel
Autores: Champak Bhakat
S. Raghavendra
M.S. Sahani
Fecha: 2005-07-01
Publicador: United Arab Emirates University
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Ten adult male camels of 8-10 year aged were divided into two comparable groups. Group I was given regular exposure to adult female camel for 20 t0 30 minutes daily in the morning hours, whereas group II was denied such kind of exposure. Environmental variables, rutting behavioural frequency and intensity parameters, important physical paramaters, cardinal physiological responses and plasma hormone levels were studied in non-rutting (Nov-Dec) and rutting (December-February) seasons. The statistically analyzed experimental observations revealed that peak winter season started after 4th and 5th weeks and RH during morning hours was significantly higher than evening, whereas THI was significantly higher during evening hrs than during morning. Rutting behavioural frequency of extrusion of soft palate, flapping of tail and frequency of micturition and spreading urine on its back were significantly increased in group I as compared to group II after 3rd week. Behavioural intensity of frothing of salivary secretion, making metallic and gurgling sound, back leg separate apart, flow of poll secretion and marking territory were very low during first two weeks, however, during 9th, 10th weeks the intensities were very prominent. In fact the significant variations between group was found during 3rd and 4th week onwards. In both the groups, frequency and intensity parameters were significantly higher during morning hrs as compared to evening hrs. The cardinal physiological responses like, respiration rate and pulse rate were significantly increased during evening hrs as compared to morning hrs in both the groups. The plasma testosterone and cortisol levels greatly varied among studs in both, the exposed and the unexposed groups. During first two weeks, variations in plasma testosterone and cortisol levels between the two groups were non-significant. But testosterone and cortisol level significantly increased in group I as compared to group II from 4th week onwards and continued till 10th week. Third week onwards DMI (fodder) and body weight got significantly reduced in group I as compared to group II. In both groups, all rutting behavioural frequency and intensity parameters were negatively correlated with DMI (fodder), water intake, body weight and environmental variables. It is concluded that early rut in adult males camel can be aroused by giving regular exposure for 20-30 min to adult female camels, at least for two weeks during the onset of winter season.
Idioma: No aplica
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