Título: Stability analysis for grain yield in mung bean (Vigna radiata L. wilczek) grown in different agro-climatic regions
Autores: Lal Hussain Akhtar, Muhammad Kashif, Muhammad Ali and Tariq Aziz
Fecha: 2010-12-16
Publicador: United Arab Emirates University
Fuente: Ver documento
Tema: mung bean, stability analysis, yield, interaction, environment
Descripción: Plants generally showed variation in their response to changing environment. Fifteen genotypes were tested at five locations in Pakistan in the Kharif season 2006 to study their yield stability. Pooled analysis of variance and stability analysis were performed. The genotype (G) x environment (E) interaction and both variance due to genotypes and environments were significant. The partitioning of G x E interaction into linear and non-linear components indicated that both predictable and unpredictable components shared the interaction. Three stability parameters were computed to judge the stable and superior genotype. On the basis of these parameters, the top yielding genotype ‘2 (check) CGM-504’ exhibited the stable performance over all five locations. Results also showed that the genotypes; BRM-288, NCM-257-2 and BRM-286 gave higher yield. But their performance was unstable due to high deviation from regression. Seven genotypes NCM-252-7, 2CMG-504, C1/95-3/45, BRM-286, BRM-288, NCM-257-2 and M-8 produced more grain yield than average yield. On the basis of results, 2CMG-504 was the most suitable and desirable genotype which showed stable yields at different sites.
Idioma: Inglés
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