Título: Penile Preservation for Male Urethral Cancer
Autores: Hosseini, J
Razi, A
Javanmard, B
Lotfi, B
Mazloomfard, MM
Fecha: 2012-02-02
Publicador: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Tumors of the male urethra are rare, comprising <1% of urologic malignancies. This is a report of a 44-year-old man presented with a 4-month history of gross initial hematuria and dysuria. After examining the patient, we found a firm mass extending 1 cm within the proximal bulbar urethra and a pathologic report of moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. He underwent excision of the involved urethra followed by end-to-end bulbar urethroplasty. External beam radiation was performed at the dose of 6000 Rad, in 33 courses. The patient was followed by surveillance protocol and, no evidence of urethral or bladder tumor was found in the 2-year follow-up with bi-annual cystoscopic examination.Key words: Squamous cell carcinoma; Radiotherapy; Urethral neoplasm References1. Eng TY, Naguib M, Galang T, Fuller CD. Retrospective study of the treatment of urethral cancer. Am J Clin Oncol.2003; 26(6): 558-62.2. Dalbagni G, Zhang ZF, Lacombe L, Herr HW. Maleurethral   carcinoma:   analysis   of   treatment   outcome. Urology. 1999; 53(6):1126-32.3. Smith Y, Hadway P, Ahmed S, Perry MJ, Corbishley CM, Watkin NA. Penile-preserving surgery for male distal urethral carcinoma. BJU Int. 2007; 100(1): 82-7.4. Hakenberg OW, Franke HJ, Froehner M, Wirth MP.The   treatment   of    primary    urethral    carcinoma--the dilemmas of a rare condition: experience with partial urethrectomy  and  adjuvant  chemotherapy.  Onkologie.2001; 24(1): 48-52.5. Gheiler  EL,  Tefilli  MV,  Tiguert  R,  de  Oliveira  JG,Pontes JE, Wood DP Jr. Management of primary urethral cancer. Urology. 1998; 52(3): 487-93.6. Zeidman  EJ,  Desmond  P,  Thompson  IM.  Surgical treatment  of  carcinoma  of  the  male  urethra.  Urol  Clin North Am. 1992; 19(2): 359-72.7. Bird E, Coburn M. Phallus preservation for urethralcancer: subcutaneous penectomy. J Urol. 1997; 158(6):2146-8.8. Davis   JW,   Schellhammer   PF,   Schlossberg   SM. Schlossberg, Conservative surgical therapy for penile and urethral carcinoma. Urology. 1999; 53(2): 386-92.9. Silverman  ML,  Eyre  RC,  Zinman  LA,  Corsson  AW.Mixed mucinous and papillary adenocarcinoma involving male urethra, probably originating in periurethral glands. Cancer. 1981; 47(6): 1398-402.10. Scott EV, Barelare B. Adenocarcinoma of the male urethra. J Urol. 1952; 68(1): 311-9.11. Yachia D, Turani H. Colonic-type adenocarcinoma of male urethra. Urology. 1991; 37(6): 568-70.12. Melicow MM, Roberts TW. Pathology and natural history of urethral tumors in males. Review of 142 cases. Urology. 1978; 11(1): 83-9.13. Sacks  SA,  Waisman  J,  Apfelbaum  HB,  Lake  P,Goodwin    WE.    Urethral    adenocarcinoma    (possibly originating in the glands of Littre). J Urol. 1975; 113(1):50-5.14. Dinney CP, Johnson DE, Swanson DA, Babaian RJ, von Eschenbach AC. Therapy and prognosis for male anterior urethral carcinoma: an update. Urology. 1994;43(4): 506-14.15. Levine  RL.  Urethral  cancer.  Cancer.  1980;  45(7Suppl): 1965-72.16. Horenblas   S,   van   Tinteren   H.   Squamous   cell carcinoma of the penis. IV. Prognostic factors of survival: analysis of tumor, nodes and metastasis classification system. J Urol. 1994; 151(5): 1239-43.17. Salaverria JC, Hope-Stone HF, Paris AM, MollandEA, Blandy JP. Conservative treatment of carcinoma of the penis. Br J Urol. 1979; 51(1): 32-7.18. Pietrzak P, Corbishley C, Watkin N. Organ-sparing surgery for invasive penile cancer: early follow-up data. BJU Int. 2004; 94(9): 1253-7.
Idioma: Inglés
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