Título: Health Beliefs as Predictors of Breast Cancer Screening Behavior in a Group of Female Employees in Shiraz
Autores: Aflakseir, Abdulaziz; Dept. of Clinical Psychology, University of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran
Abbasi, Parinaz; Dept. of Psychology, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Fecha: 2012-07-12
Publicador: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the frequency of getting such health screenings as mammography and breast self-examination among a group of women and also to identify the role of health beliefs in predicting mammography practice.Methods: The data were collected from a convenience sample of 113 female staff at the University of Shiraz and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. The participants completed the Champion Health Beliefs Scale (CHBS) designed to measure patients' perception on mammography of breast cancer screening. The scale assesses health beliefs components such as perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits of mammography screening, and perceived barriers to mammography screening. The participants also answered several questions on practicing Breast Self-Examination (BSE), mammography screening behaviors and health factors such as family history of cancer, and physicians' recommendation for mammography.Results: The results indicated that 51% of women had BSE, and only 21% had a mammogram. Logistic regression showed that physician's recommendation, and the perceived barriers significantly predicted mammography screening, explaining 27% of the total variance of mammography practice. The participants who saw fewer barriers to have a mammogram and those who had been recommended to have one by their physician were more likely to get it. The present study provides some supports for the health beliefs model.Conclusions: Data indicated that perceived barriers to have a mammogram predicted not getting one, and physicians' recommendation predicted getting a mammogram by women.Keywords: Mammography; Breast self-examination; Cancer screening; Women's healthPlease cite this article as: Aflakseir A, Abbasi P. Health Beliefs as Predictors of Breast Cancer Screening Behavior in a Group of Female Employees in Shiraz. Iran J Cancer Prev.2012; 5(3): 124-9.References1. Mousavi SM, Mohagheghi MA, Mousavi-Jerrahi A, Nahvijou A, Seddighi Z. Outcome of breast cancer in Iran: A study of Tehran cancer registry data. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2008; 9(2): 275-8.2. Harirchi I, Ebrahimi M, Zamani N, Jarvandi S, Montazeri A. Breast cancer in Iran: A review of 903 case records. Public Health. 2000; 114(2): 143-5.3. Levenson V. Biomarkers for early detection of breast cancer: What, when, and where? 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Idioma: Inglés
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