Título: LA FORMACIÓN DE LOS ENTRENADORES DE JÓVENES FUTBOLISTAS [The training of young footballers’ coaches]
The training of young footballers’ coaches
Autores: Abad Robles, Manuel Tomás; Universidad de Huelva
Giménez Fuentes-Guerra, Francisco Javier; Universidad de Huelva
Robles Rodríguez, José; Universidad de Huelva
Castillo viera, Estefania; Universidad de Huelva
Fecha: 2013-07-29
Publicador: Extremadura Handball Federation and GOERD (University of Extremadura)
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article


Tema: Entrenador; formación inicial; formación permanente; necesidades de formación
Coach; Initial training; ongoing training; training needs
Descripción: Este estudio analizó la formación inicial y permanente, así como las necesidades de formación de los entrenadores de jóvenes futbolistas de Andalucía. Con este propósito, fueron entrevistados 10 expertos en el fútbol base y en la formación de entrenadores de fútbol. La mayoría de los entrevistados consideró que el hecho de tener estudios relacionados con la educación física y el deporte era muy positivo a la hora de ejercer la enseñanza del fútbol. Los expertos destacaron, en la formación del entrenador de fútbol base, los contenidos relacionados con las ciencias médicas y biológicas, el entrenamiento deportivo, la educación física de base y el período de prácticas. Además, los especialistas estimaron que, en la formación permanente, eran relevantes tanto las estrategias formales como las no formales, y señalaron las siguientes necesidades de formación: metodología, aspectos técnico-tácticos, psicología, preparación física y educación física de base.AbstractThis study analysed the initial and ongoing training, as well as the training needs of coaches of young footballers in Andalusia. With this objective, 10 experts in youth football and in the training of football coaches were interviewed. Most of those interviewed considered the studies linked to physical education and sport as a very positive factor when it came to carrying out football-related instruction. In the training of the youth football coach, the experts highlighted the contents connected to medical and biological sciences, sports training, base-level physical education and the period of practicals. Furthermore, the specialists estimated that, in permanent training, informal strategies were just as relevant as formal ones, and they indicated that the following were necessary aspects of training: methodology, technical-tactical aspects, psychology, physical preparation and base-level physical education.Key words: Coach, Initial training, ongoing training, training needs.
This study analysed the initial and ongoing training, as well as the training needs of coaches of young footballers in Andalusia. With this objective, 10 experts in youth football and in the training of football coaches were interviewed. Most of those interviewed considered the studies linked to physical education and sport as a very positive factor when it came to carrying out football-related instruction. In the training of the youth football coach, the experts highlighted the contents connected to medical and biological sciences, sports training, base-level physical education and the period of practicals. Furthermore, the specialists estimated that, in permanent training, informal strategies were just as relevant as formal ones, and they indicated that the following were necessary aspects of training: methodology, technical-tactical aspects, psychology, physical preparation and base-level physical education.
Idioma: Español
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