Título: Ballistic Behaviour of Tempered Steel Armour Plates under Plane Strain Condition .
Autores: dikshit, S.N.; Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad
Fecha: 2013-04-23
Publicador: Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre
Fuente: Ver documento
Tema: High hardness plate ;Depth of penetration ;Projectile;Steel armour plates;Ballistic behaviour
623.4 Armaments and Ballistics;620.1 Material Science and Technology
Descripción: The present investigation deals with the ballistic behaviour of tempered steel armour plates under plane strain condition at normal angle of attack. A conical-shaped steel projectile of 6.1 mmdiameter was impacted on 20 mm thick steel annour plates of 350, 450 and 550 Hv hardness, in the velocity range 200 -700 m/s at zero obliquity. Ballistic performance measured in terms of the depthof penetration indicates that, under plane strain condition, behavio1Do" f 550 Hv steel plate is better than those of the other two plates. However, front spalling causes damageto the entry side of the high hardness plate, thus affecting its multihit capability in a limited manner.
Idioma: Inglés
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