Título: Disparity in cancer care: a Canadian perspective
Autores: Ahmed, S.; Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Shahid, R.K.; University of Saskatchewan
Fecha: 2012-11-29
Publicador: Multimed Inc.
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: Cancer care; disparity; inequity; Canadian health care
Descripción: Canada is facing cancer crisis. Cancer has become the leading cause of death in Canada. Despite recent advances in cancer management and research, growing disparities in cancer care have been noticed, especially in socio-economically disadvantaged groups and under-served communities. With the rising incidence of cancer and the increasing numbers of minorities and of social disparities in general, and without appropriate interventions, cancer care disparities will become only more pronounced. This paper highlights the concepts and definitions of equity in health and health care and examines several health determinants that increase the risk of cancer. It also reviews cancer care inequity in the high-risk groups. A conceptual framework is proposed and recommendations are made for the eradication of disparities within the health care system and beyond.
Idioma: Inglés
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