Título: Assessment and management of febrile neutropenia in emergency departments within a regional health authority—a benchmark analysis
Autores: Szwajcer, D.; University of Manitoba
Czaykowski, P.; University of Manitoba
Turner, D.; CancerCare Manitoba
Fecha: 2011-12-01
Publicador: Multimed Inc.
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: antineoplastic chemotherapy; febrile neutropenia; emergency department
Descripción: ObjectivesFebrile neutropenia is considered an oncologic emergency, for which prompt initiation of antibiotics is essential.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective cohort study for the 2006 calendar year involving all adult oncology patients presenting with febrile neutropenia to a regional health authority’s emergency departments. The objective was to determine the time from triage to antibiotic administration and its impact on patient outcomes.ResultsWe identified 68 patients presenting with febrile neutropenia, most of whom (76%) were seen in tertiary care centers. Of those patients, 65% were triaged to be seen within 15 minutes of arrival in the emergency room; however, the median time to reassessment was 57 minutes. The median time from triage to antibiotic administration was 5 hours (range: 1.23–22.8 hours). No increased risk of death or increased length of hospital stay was associated with delayed antibiotic administration. Older patients and patients without caregiver support were more likely to experience delayed antibiotic administration (odds ratio: 3.8 and 12.7 respectively).ConclusionsWe were not able to show a deleterious effect of delay in antibiotic administration, but our analysis identified several points at which patient flow through the emergency room could be improved.?
Idioma: Inglés
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