Título: Capparis ovata modulates ovariectomize induced-oxidative toxicity in brain, kidney and liver of aged mice
Autores: Mustafa NAZIROĞLU; Biyofizik
Fecha: 2013-08-14
Publicador: Society of Cell Membranes and Free Oxygen Radicals
Fuente: Ver documento
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Oxidative stress is a critical way of damage in various physiological stress-induced disorders including age and menopause. Capparis ovata (C. ovata) may useful treatment of ovariectomize in old women because it contains flavonoids which demonstrated as an antioxidant. The study in overiectomized mice, as a model of menopausal status, of the effects of C. ovata on lipid peroxidation (LP) and antioxidant levels in aged mice. Forty female aged mice (12 months old) were randomly divided into four groups. First group was used as control although second group was C. ovata group. Third group was ovariectomized group. C. ovata was given to ovariectomizeinduced mice constituting the fourth groups for 28 days via gastric gavage. End of the experiment, brain cortex, kidney and liver samples were taken from all groups. The LP levels in the brain cortex, kidney and liver in ovariectomized group were higher than in control and C. ovata groups whereas they were decreased by C. ovata administration. Vitamin E concentrations in brain cortex and liver, β-carotene concentration in liver were decreased by the ovariectomize exposure although they were increased in the ovariectomized group by the C. ovata administration. The vitamin A, vitamin C, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione values in the brain cortex, liver and kidney did not change in the four groups by ovariectomize or C. ovata treatments. In conclusion, the experimental ovariectomize is associated with elevated oxidative stress although treatment with the C. ovata induced protective effects on the oxidative stress in the aged ovariectomized mice.
Idioma: Inglés
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