Título: Selection of green manure species for efficient absorbtion of poorly-available forms of soil phosphorus.
Autores: FRANZINI, V. I.
SILVA, E. C. da
Fecha: 2013
Publicador: Repositório Acesso Livre à Informação Científica da Embrapa (ALICE)
Tipo: Capítulo em livro técnico-científico (ALICE)
Tema: Solo
Descripción: Green manuring is an agronomic practice in which plants or their residues are added to the soil, improving of the soil physical, chemical and biological attributes, and increasing organic matter and fertility levels through nutrient cycling. It is estimated that green manures can increase P bioavailability. The integration of plant species in crop rotations to immobilize P is one of the most promising agronomic measures to improve the availability of P for the main crop. This study aimed to assess 21 species of green manure and a standard plant species (Lupinus albus) on their ability to absorb the available forms of P by the 32P isotopic dilution technique. It also aimed to determine if the isotopically exchangeable P, the L-values, differed when calculated with or without taking seed N into account. The results were statistically correlated and analyzed by hierarchical clustering (HCA) in order to group similar plant species. Jack bean was the most efficient species in P utilization while the Stylosanthes spp. were the most efficient in P uptake. The seed-derived P affected the P uptake efficiency evaluated by L-value technique.
Idioma: en

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