Título: From Philosophy of History to Philosophy of Historicities: Some Ideas on a Potential Future of Historical Theory
Autores: Bevernage, Berber; Royal Netherlands Historical Society (reviews)
Fecha: 2012-12-18
Publicador: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Theoretical History; History of Ideas; Universities; Students; Philosophy
Descripción: Berber Bevernage does not share the pessimistic view that the philosophy of history is in crisis or coming to an end: it can have a bright and fascinating future. However in order to remain relevant, he argues, philosophy of history should look beyond academic historiography and transform into a broad ‘philosophy of historicities’ that also pays attention to the wide variety of extra-academic ways of dealing with the past. In order to do this current philosophy of history has to overcome a number challenges. First, it has to recognise that academic historiography did not develop in an intellectual vacuum but is closely related to particular social, cultural and political presuppositions about time and historicity on which it is partly dependent but which it can also reinforce or contradict. Second, it should recognise that different approaches to time and historicity have different social, cultural and political functions and not restrict its focus to philosophy of science or epistemological/cognitive issues. Third, it should focus on the ethics of history.
Idioma: Inglés