Título: Rechtspraak en totale oorlog
Autores: Faber, S.
Fecha: 2004-12-01
Publicador: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Economic history; World War II; Legal judgement
Descripción: J. Meihuizen, Noodzakelijk kwaad. De bestraffing van economische collaboratie in Nederland na de Tweede WereldoorlogA successful failure?Melhuizen’s powerful dissertation focuses on one section of the Special Judicial Procedure: settling cases of economic collaboration, particularly the more serious ones. He also examines the Special Judicial Procedure as a whole. First of all with figures, which are less reliable than suggested as is argued in this contribution. Secondly, he used these figures to bolster up his conclusion that we have failed to punish economic collaboration. This is questionable, because the element of punishment was more important in those days than can be deducted from Melhuizen’s views.
Idioma: Inglés