Título: Physical Methods in Chemical and Sensory Evaluation of Fish Quality
Avaliation of the Fish Caught Quality Using Physical Chemical and Sensory Methodology
Autores: Sales, Ronaldo de Oliveira
de Azevedo, Abelardo Ribeiro
Fecha: 2013-01-22
Publicador: Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Ambiental
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: organoleptic characteristics, loss of quality, stored in ice.
organoleptic characteristics; loss of quality; stored in ice
Descripción: The raw material used in developing this research were fish of the species, Pargo (Lutjanus purpureus, Poey 1867), Cioba (Lutjanus analis, Cuvier), Biquara (Haemulum plumieri) e Cangulo (Balistis vetula, Linnaeus) caught at State of Ceará. Experiments aimed at determining maximum period of storage of the product when stored in ice as well as its physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics over a l6 days period. Physicochemical and organoleptic analysis demonstrated that both the disembolwelled fish and the ones whicg were kept whole suffered considerable loss of quality over the period in which they were stored in ice.
The raw material used in developing this research were fish of the species, Pargo (Lutjanus purpureus, Poey 1867), Cioba (Lutjanus analis, Cuvier), Biquara (Haemulum plumieri) e Cangulo (Balistis vetula, Linnaeus) caught at State of Ceará. Experiments aimed at determining maximum period of storage of the product when stored in ice as well as its physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics over a l6 days period. Physicochemical and organoleptic analysis demonstrated that both the disembolwelled fish and the ones whicg were kept whole suffered considerable loss of quality over the period in which they were stored in ice.
Idioma: No aplica

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