Título: The Timelessness of Arts-Based Research: Looking Back Upon A Heuristic Self-Study and the Arts-Based Reflexivity Data Analysis Method
Autores: Amanda Rose Schenstead
Fecha: 2012-03-01
Publicador: Voices: a world forum for music therapy
heuristic, arts-based
Tema: music therapy
arts-based research, performative inquiry, heuristic
Descripción: This theoretical article explores the author's experience of a heuristic, arts-based self-study with focus on the data analysis method that was utilized in this project and its continual development.  The author refers to this method as arts-based reflexivity.  A historical review of arts-based and heuristic research will be provided to give context and theoretical background to support the development and use of arts-based reflexivity.  This systematic method of analysing artistic data encourages the researcher to ask various questions to him/herself and interact with the data by creating intuitive art forms as responses to internal dialogue and feelings.  A template will be offered for researchers to explore and utilize for their own projects and processes.  The components of arts-based reflexivity will be explored using examples from the author's graduate research project as well as recent reflections upon the topic: "What is My Artistic Centre?", an adapted short form performance piece which illustrates the steps and potential self-knowledge which can be gain through the arts-based reflexivity method.
Idioma: Inglés