Título: What Do Music Therapists Need to Know Before the Disaster Strikes?
Autores: Masako Otera; Tohoku University
Fecha: 2012-03-01
Publicador: Voices: a world forum for music therapy
Tipo: Peer-reweieved Article
Tema: Music therapy
music therapy; disaster relief
Descripción: The paper discusses required knowledge in preparation for a disaster relief. The author shares her experience of the Great East Japan Earthquake and reviews how she went through the post-disaster phase as a music therapist. The author has made three suggestions for change in music therapy as a disaster relief. First, specific topics on disaster relief should be included in music therapy educational courses. This should cover general information regarding natural and human-made disasters and disaster relief. Second, making connections with related organizations, both the individual and national level is also suggested. Third, the further accumulation of studies on music therapy as a disaster relief service is needed.
Idioma: Inglés