Título: Music Inside an Intensive Care Unit
Autores: Ana Maria Loureiro De Souza Delabary
Fecha: 1970-01-01
Publicador: Voices: a world forum for music therapy
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This paper reports on the music therapy work performed in the intensive care unit of a university hospital. Clinical practice is inserted with in the hospital psychology department and acts jointly with some of the other health departments in the same hospital. The text presents the employed methodology, techniques, and repertoire, along with some considerations, comments, and observations on the practical side of the treatment. Music therapy imposes itself as a valuable element for the health area and becomes particularly meaningful as a part of the hospital's humanization program which is being developed in the institution. Striving for care quality, all the while it helps integrating all involved personnel interacting with the patients, music can be a powerful stimulus for the improvement of health care, particularly in the reception and support of the difficult situations terminal patients are faced with.
Idioma: No aplica