Título: My Vision in Teaching at Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan
Autores: Satomi Kondo
Fecha: 1970-01-01
Publicador: Voices: a world forum for music therapy
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This spring, I returned to my home country after eleven years of living in Vancouver, Canada. I worked as a music therapist at an acute care hospital and experienced music therapy to be a very important means to integrate cure and care in a medical setting. With my ever growing passion and wonder over the power of music, I now work at Health Sciences University of Hokkaido teaching the potency of music to a variety of health care students. I would like to share my experiences and in part some of the characteristics of this particular university that strive for new ideas of health sciences on the basis of integration of cure and care.
Idioma: No aplica