Título: Music and Healing During Post-Election Violence in Kenya
Autores: David Otieno Akombo
Fecha: 1970-01-01
Publicador: Voices: a world forum for music therapy
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The significance of music as a healing agent permeates across the cultural spectrum. Hitherto, we find people of many cultures incorporating music to transform those unhealthy individuals into healthy ones. This paper extrapolates from the events that led to Kenya's post-election violence of 2007 and enumerates how a Kenyan community musician embraced the therapeutic qualities inherent in the cultural music of the Kenyan people to help the violence victims who developed post-traumatic stress disorder following the disputed elections. The story adds nuance to our understanding of how community musicians are still an invaluable therapeutic resource albeit their lack of professional training.
Idioma: No aplica