Título: Reasoning about intentions: a defeasible argumentation approach
Autores: Rotstein, Nicolás D.
Simari, Guillermo Ricardo
García, Alejandro Javier
Fecha: 2012-10-26
Publicador: Unversidad Nacional de La Plata

Tipo: Objeto de conferencia
Objeto de conferencia
Tema: argumentation
Logic Programming
Intelligent agents
Ciencias Informáticas
Descripción: In this work we present an approach to model an action-oriented system controlled by BDI agents using a defeasible argumentation formalism to represent its knowledge. Here, our main concern will be modelling the software agents that drive the physical robots. The chosen agent architecture will be BDI and it will use defeasible argumentation to perform the reasoning part of the system. Provided that our laboratory has the basic setup to implement a robotic soccer team, that is the application domain selected to test this approach.
VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)
Idioma: Inglés