Título: Solanaceae diversity in the state of Jalisco, Mexico
Autores: Cuevas-Arias,Carmen Teresa
Fecha: 2008-06-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: Solanaceae
species richness
Descripción: Mexico is a center of diversity for Solanaceae. Our objective is to analyze the species diversity and geographical distribution of the Solanaceae in Jalisco. The data come from 3 405 herbarium specimens. An analysis of these specimens indicates that the Solanaceae in Jalisco are represented by 20 genera, 138 species and 140 taxa. Four genera, Solanum (55 species), Physalis (35), Cestrum (10) and Lycianthes (9) represent 79% of the total number of species. In contrast, Brachistus, Browallia, Chamaesaracha, Jaltomata, Juanulloa, Lycium, Nectouxia, Nicandra and Nierenbergia have only 1 species each. In Jalisco, the Solanaceae are widely distributed throughout the state occurring at altitudes ranging from sea level to 3 400 m. Mostly, they grow in conifer and oak forest (81 species) followed by tropical subdeciduous forest (57), tropical deciduous forest (54), and cloud forest (43). Fifty-one species are commonly found in disturbed and ruderal areas. Lycianthes jalicensis, Physalis lignesens, P. longipedicellata, P. longiloba and P. tamayoi are endemic to the state. These results indicate that Jalisco ranks fourth in species diversity for Solanaceae after the states of Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz.
Idioma: Inglés

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