Título: Equilibrium Constants Determination of the Species Formation in the Al(III)-H2O System by Integration of 27Al-NMR Signals and Fitting with Species Fractions
Autores: Rojas-Hernández,Alberto
Botello,Julio César
Pacheco-Hernández,Ma de Lourdes
Domínguez,José Manuel
Ramírez-Silva,María Teresa
Fecha: 2008-03-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: 27Al-NMR
hydrolysis of Al3+
formation constants
potentiometric titrations
conductometric titrations
Descripción: A quantitative methodology to determine formation constants that takes into consideration the 27Al-NMR signals of Al(III)-H2O systems has been analyzed, where area fractions beneath the peaks recorded were associated with the corresponding species fractions. The values of the formation constants were compared with the model obtained by potentiometric studies. In agreement with previous reports, the -log*β values obtained by NMR and potentiometry, at 0.020 M ≤ [Al(III)]total ≤ 0.500 M are 12.96 ± 0.02 for Al(OH)3, 13.50±0.02 for Al3(OH)4(5+), and 109.70±0.09 for Al13(OH)32(7+), by assuming that Al(OH)²+ has a value of 5.29. Additionally the equilibrium constant values obtained allowed fitting of the conductimetry titrations in the 6.00(10-³) M ≤ [Al(III)]total ≤ 0.120 M. The algorithm presented in this work gives a support to establish that the area fractions of NMR signals are proportional to the species concentration fractions.
Idioma: Inglés

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