Título: Chisme across Borders: The Impact of Gossip in a Guatemalan Transnational Community
Autores: Skolnik,Jocelyn
Lazo de la Vega,Sandra
Fecha: 2012-06-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: transnational gossip
social remittances
United States
Descripción: Qualitative interviews in both the Guatemalan Maya sending community of Jacaltenango and the receiving community of Jupiter, Florida, illustrate the gendered role of transnational gossip. Women whose husbands have migrated are subject to a high level of scrutiny from their family and neighbors, who may accuse them of infidelity, raising their children inappropriately, or spending money unwisely. To avoid gossip and its potential consequences, many women isolate themselves to such an extent that they experience psychological and physical symptoms of depression and anxiety. This article contributes to the debate on migration and gender by defining and confirming the gendered nature of transnational gossip, identifying the factors that intensify gossip in the context of international migration, and providing evidence of the specific negative impact for women in the sending community.
Idioma: Inglés

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