Título: Accurate Flexible Numerical Boundary Conditions for Multidimensional Transport and Diffusion
Autores: Filatov,Denis
Fecha: 2004-12-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: Artificial (numerical) boundary conditions
advection-diffusion-reaction equation
domain decomposition
Descripción: A method for numerical solution to the advection-diffusion-reaction equation in unbounded domains is developed. The method is based on the concept of artificial boundary conditions (ABCs), and employs the techniques of time and dimensional splitting of the partial differential equation coupled with domain decomposition of the original infinite space. The essentials of the method is that it is applicable for solving a wide class of mass transportation problems in domain of drastically complex geometries, realisable from the computation standpoint, and provides a highly accurate solution at minimal computational efforts.
Idioma: Inglés

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