Título: Spatial variability of the competitive effect of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on Lolium rigidum L.
Autores: Izquierdo,Jordi
Fecha: 2010-02-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: Hordeum vulgare
crop competition
seed rain
weed biomass
Descripción: Lolium rigidum is a major grass weed of winter cereals in the Mediterranean area, in spite of the continuous use of herbicides in these crops. New management approaches focus on the reduction of the seed banks by enhancing crop competitiveness and, consequently, minimizing weed seed rain. However, the spatial heterogeneity that exists within fields results in differences in the growth and the competitiveness of crops and weeds. In order to determine if the competitive interactions between barley and L. rigidum are site-specific biomass and seed production of this weed, growing in monoculture (plots with L. rigidum) and in mixed culture (plots with L. rigidum+barley), were studied at three sites (in upland, mid-slope and lowland positions) within barley fields. In each site were determined weed populations, and in soil separates, nutrient content, organic matter, slope and orientation were determined for each site. Crop presence significantly reduced weed biomass between 5 and 79 % and seeds per spike between 10 and 48 %, depending on the site. The competitive effect of the crop was greater in the more fertile sites (with higher N, P and organic matter content). In these sites, differences in plant biomass accumulation between the weed in monoculture and the weed in mixed culture started to be significant after stem elongation. Regardless the reduction in the number of seeds per spike observed in the most fertile sites, seed rain (measured as seeds m-2 ) could still be very important if weed density of the site is high. The differences in the competitive interactions between barley and L. rigidum observed within the fields suggest that adequate crop husbandry practices addressed site-specifically to enhance crop competitiveness can play an important role as a mechanism to reduce L. rigidum populations over the long term.
Idioma: Inglés

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