Título: Urbina S2007: nueva variedad de trigo harinero para la región 'El Bajío'
Autores: Solís Moya,Ernesto
Huerta Espino,Julio
Pérez Herrera,Patricia
Ramírez Ramírez,Aquilino
Villaseñor Mir,Héctor Eduardo
Espitia Rangel,Eduardo
Fecha: 2008-03-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Recent breeding efforts at the 'El Bajio' Experimental Station of the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock (INIFAP-Mexico) have allowed for the development of high yielding wheat cultivars with high levels of disease resistance. Among those superior genotypes is the new cultivar 'Urbina S2007', that display higher yield (4%) than the best commercial cv. Barcenas S2002, it display higher resistance to yellow stripped and leaf rust and is of similar grain quality. The seed of Urbina S2007 is available for wheat producers of El Bajio region of central Mexico.
Idioma: Español

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