Título: Coprophilous myxomycetes of Brazil: first report
Autores: Bezerra,Maria de Fatima de Andrade
Silva,Wendell Medrado Teófilo da
Cavalcanti,Laise de Holanda
Fecha: 2008-12-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: Rabbit
Descripción: The aim of this work was to identify the species of myxomycetes associated with the dung of wild and domestic animals in Brazil. Moist chamber cultures were prepared with samples of the dung of the wild Brazilian rabbit (Sylvilagus brasiliensis) or horses (Equus caballus) collected during 14 field trips to the Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe State. Initial culture pH ranged from (3.8) 4.15 -4.64 (5.55). Fifty two specimens from 62 cultures (34% positivity) were obtained, representing ten morphospecies, distributed in the families Cribrariaceae (Cribraria cancellata, C. microcarpa, C. violacea and Cribraria sp.), Physaraceae (Physarum cinereum and P. roseum), Stemonitaceae (Comatricha aff. mirabilis) and Trichiaceae (Arcyria cinerea, Hemitrichia minor and Metatrichia vesparia). All species are new records of coprophilous myxomycetes in Brazil. The reports of C. cancellata, C. microcarpa, M. vesparia and P. roseum are the first records in the world of these species on the dung of herbivores. This is the first citation of C. mirabilis for Brazil.
Idioma: Inglés

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