Título: Extended Non-Thermal Emission Possibly Associated with Cyg OB2 #5
Autores: Ortiz-León,Gisela N.
Rodríguez,Luis F.
Fecha: 2012-04-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Tema: radio continuum/stars
stars/individual (Cyg OB2 #5)
Descripción: Cyg OB2 #5 is a contact binary system (O6.5-7+O5.5-6) with associated radio continuum emission. Two compact (<0."3) radio continuum components have been reported previously: the primary is associated with the contact binary and the secondary is an arc-like source ~0."8 to the NE of the primary. This arc-like source results from the interaction of the winds of the contact binary and a B-type star in the region. In this paper we report the detection of an extended (~30"), nonthermal component to the NE of the compact components. We propose that this extended emission could be an unresolved background source (i.e. a radio galaxy), extended galactic emission, or non-thermal emission related to the relativistic electrons that are produced in the shock between the contact binary and the B-type star and that are carried away to large distances by the wind from the contact binary.
Idioma: Inglés

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