Título: Mass Determination for T Tauri Stars from JHK Photometry
Autores: López-Chico,Tania A.
Fecha: 2007-01-01
Publicador: SCIELO
Tipo: journal article
Descripción: We present a method that uses disk models to determine stellar masses for Pre-Main sequence T Tauri stars from JHK photometry. We find that the infrared excess produced by the disk behaves in a similar way to the extinction vector when plotted on color-color and color-magnitude diagrams, but that it is linearly independent. Employing these vectors as a basis of a vector space we carry out a coordinate transformation that allows us to find the mass of a central star for a given age. To test this Principal Vectors (PV) method we compare the mass values (M PV ) obtained for 14 T Tauri objects in the Taurus-Auriga region with mass values known from dynamical methods. Furthermore, we analyze 4 systems with multiple components (GG Tau, FO Tau, FS Tau, and V773 Tau) and determine the mass for each component of the system. We analyze the effect of using different evolutionary models and other parameter values.
Idioma: Inglés

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