Título: Diminished, Enduring, and Emergent Diversity Policy Concerns in an Evolving Media Environment
Autores: Napoli, Philip M.
Fecha: 2011-08-08
Publicador: International journal of communication
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This article examines the evolution of media diversity policy concerns in response to the changing technological and institutional dynamics of the media environment. It identifies those diversity policy concerns that are receiving less attention from policymakers in light of ongoing technological and institutional changes (diminished), those that are transitioning from the traditional to the new media policy agenda (enduring), and those that have arisen as a result of ongoing technological and institutional changes (emergent). This article then outlines the contours of a diversity research agenda that would reflect and inform these concerns.
Idioma: Inglés