Título: Broadband Adoption| Measuring Sustainable Broadband Adoption: An Innovative Approach to Understanding Broadband Adoption and Use
Autores: LaRose, Robert
DeMaagd, Kurt
Chew, Han Ei
Tsai, Hsin-yi Sandy
Steinfield, Charles
Wildman, Steven S.
Bauer, Johannes M.
Fecha: 2012-10-15
Publicador: International journal of communication
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Efforts to promote sustainable broadband Internet adoption urge new attention to the classic diffusion of innovations paradigm. For this study, innovation attributes were reconceptualized following Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). In a sample of inner-city residents, the model accounted for 36% of the variance in intentions to adopt broadband technology and services, primarily from the SCT variables of expected outcomes and self-efficacy. Prior habitual use of the Internet was also a predictor. Price sensitivity was unrelated to adoption. Among demographic variables, only age had a significant (negative) relationship to broadband adoption after accounting for the SCT variables. Recommendations for the design and monitoring of sustainable broadband adoption interventions are made based on these findings.
Idioma: Inglés