Título: Linking Global Press Freedom to Development and Culture: Implications from a Comparative Analysis
Autores: Tran, Hai
Mahmood, Reaz
Du, Ying
Khrapavitski, Andrei
Fecha: 2011-01-15
Publicador: International journal of communication
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This study attempts to clarify the relationship between development and press freedom, and the role of culture in determining press freedom throughout the world. Moreover, the study explores differences in the results, based on analysis using alternative leading press freedom indices (Freedom House and Reporters Sans Frontières), to gauge the influence of the indices themselves in forming conclusions. According to the results, the link between development and press freedom is not established conclusively. The two press freedom indices produce divergent, even contradictory, results. The findings speak to the necessity for continued refinement of quantitative measures, particularly when addressing matters as subtle as global press freedom.
Idioma: Inglés