Título: Micro Smart Grid Technology for Rural Indian model
Autores: Naik, Himanshu
Chauhan, D.S.
Fecha: 2011-07-28
Publicador: Innovative systemas design and engineering
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Today world is step-in 21st century. But still in major part of India cannot get 24 X 7 eclectic power supply. Electrical power has become a prime necessity for any country for economic development. And power shortage is a dominant problem, being faced by the most of the countries today. On the top of this, the conventional fuel sources for power generation i.e. coal & oil deposits are fast getting depleted. The Obvious way out, is to shift focus to renewable sources of energy and in country like India our village population & remote location load always suffer by power cut or grid failure although they have enough potential to generate own power but due to lake of technology they can’t get 24 x 7 power supply to provide some solution of this problem we try to develop smart grid Indian version. Although more invention has to be carried out still in the use of non-conventional energy sources for power generation to reach to most economic point, but every little effort in this direction may provide a solution to power shortage problems. Hence the same topic was selected as a part of the curriculum. The goal of the paper is to construct a micro smart grid  which is capable of producing enough  electrical power by using local removable energy electrical power sources like wind, bio-gas, solar, current running hydro plan for the places like remote places like villages? In this paper, we propose a decentralized framework named Micro Smart GRID to tackle grid resource management a simulation study of operation and control of local generation & co-ordination with state grid in case of normal operation or power islands in Micro Smart Grid environment.
Idioma: Inglés