Título: Impact of Strategy Formulation and Implementation in Ailing Organisations
Autores: Augustine, Anichebe Nnaemeka
Agu, Agu,Okoro
Fecha: 2013-08-30
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The study of the “Effects of strategy Formulation and Implementation in Business Organizations in Enugu State (a study of ANAMMCO, EMENE. ENUGU), was carried out to assess the extent of application and workability of formulated strategies in the organization. Descriptive research method, specially survey and case study were employed in carrying out the study. The organization had a population of 185 workers, comprising of Management, Senior and Junior staff. A sample size of 106 was derived using the Freund and Williams formular for sample size determination from a finite population. The simple random sampling technique was used to determine the elements of the sample space. Data were collected through questionnaire administration, oral interviews, personal observations, books, journals and other publications. Data were analyzed using simple percentages and mean   responses. Based on the analyses, it was discovered that the organization looses sales as a result of change in consumption pattern of their customers. Secondly, that a well conceived and formulated strategy matched with appropriate structure increases productivity in the organization and thirdly, that behavioural and systemic resistance to strategic changes render strategy formulation ineffective in the organization. Against this background therefore, the following recommendations were adduced:- (1) That the top management should reduce uncertainties by adopting product line diversification strategy and strategic technological changes to be in tune with current consumption pattern in the Automobile Industry in Nigeria. (2) That management should integrate management functions through the process of organizations design in terms of strategy implementation. (3) That management should reduce behavioural and systemic resistance to strategic changes through appropriate organization structure and that workers should be well informed on the reasons for the changes. Keywords:Strategy formulation, Business organisations, Enugu state
Idioma: Inglés