Título: The Causality Relationship between Management in Supply Chain Collaboration with the Prosperity of Corn Farmers in West Nusa Tenggara – Indonesia
Autores: ., Tajidan
Setiawan, Budi
Mustadjab, M. Muslich
Muhaimin, A. Wahib
Fecha: 2013-08-30
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The objective of this research is to analyze factors determining the supply chain management and the prosperity of corn farmers. Data was collected using survey method by interviewing 120 farmers. The chain sampling was determined using snowballing technique from farmers to intermediate traders and consumers. Result of the research indicates that the supply chain management is influenced by business process integration, supply chain collaboration and organizational performance. The prosperity rate of the farmers is directly influenced by supply chain management, supply chain collaboration, and organizational performance, but it is indirectly influenced by business process of integration and of competitive advantage. Keywords: supply chain collaboration, business process integration, supply chain management, organizational performance, and the prosperity of corn farmers.
Idioma: Inglés