Título: Multiattribute Attitude Measurement of Incredible India Campaign
Autores: Rishi, Bikramjit
Singh, Abhilasha
Misra, Kaushal
Fecha: 2013-08-30
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The study makes an effort to evaluate Incredible India campaign in terms of its growth and expansion. For the purpose of this study descriptive research has been undertaken, in which a questionnaire was designed to measure the attitude of the foreign tourists towards India. For analyzing the attitude towards Incredible India campaign, Fishbein Multi-attribute model has been used quantitatively. The attitude has been measured by calculating and analyzing a mean overall attitude (Ao) in respect to the minimum and maximum value keeping the evaluation score constant. The attitude score has also been judged on a scale of ideal point score where the lowest value is 12 and the highest value is 300. The value has been calculated assuming strongest belief and evaluation and weakest belief and evaluation. The analysis of the elements of Incredible India campaign shows a mean overall attitude (Ao) of 184.29 with a minimum and maximum value of 47.03 and 235.16 respectively. Keywords: Incredible India, Indian Tourism, Attitude, Foreign Tourists
Idioma: Inglés