Título: MSMES’ Failure to Win Government Contracts in Zimbabwe: Winning Tips from Public Procurement Officials. the Case of Masvingo Municipality.
Autores: Mandiyambira, Redges
Fecha: 2013-07-31
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The expectations of suppliers who respond to government tenders are that they may have the chance of winning contracts sooner or later. If a supplier with the potential of winning government contracts, always fail to get the opportunity to win, will not respond to government’s invitation to tender due to frustrations. This is the case with MSME’S in Zimbabwe.  The purpose of the study was to give feedback to MSME’s, which respond to government’s invitation to tender, in terms of their shortcomings and to offer them tips so that they can improve in the forthcoming tenders, as well as to increase their chances of winning future government contracts. A number of shortcomings were highlighted and tips were proposed so as to increase the MSMEs probability of winning government tenders. The study utilised the qualitative research method. In-depth interviews were successfully conducted with seventeen procurement officials (key informants) of Masvingo municipality. The study recommended that future research should find out from MSMEs, who previously won government contracts, the magic behind winning government tenders. In addition, future research should also focus on the sustainability of government initiatives towards the promotion of MSMEs. Key words: MSME, Public procurement, Government contracts/tenders, winning tips, Zimbabwe  
Idioma: Inglés