Título: The Role of Organisational Innovation in Corporations
Autores: Zuecker, Helgo; Professor of Intercultural Management, UNESCO Chair – University of Bucharest
Fecha: 2006-05-30
Publicador: Europe's Journal of Psychology
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The article stresses the question of organisational innovations in the field of SME in CEEC. For the analysis, examples of characteristic phenomena are chosen which mirror the strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats of CEEC in transition economies. Besides various economic images, three fields will be presented in which the EU exercises little direct influence. These three fields cover 1) education, 2) science and research, and 3) SME. They are seen to be essential terrain for initiating national and corporate competitive advantages. Education is the basis of future human resources; science and research open potential sources of development for new products and service. A national culture of SME-carried economy can be seen as an effective structure to implement such innovation. Necessary conditions are seen in helpful political framework programmes which build up economic structures contributing to national wealth by creating SMEs, by the corporate support of individual initiatives of collaborators and by effective corporate competence creating organisational team structures. In conclusion the Department-UNESCO Chair Master Course of Intercultural Management in Bucharest is presented as an adequate tool to initiate as well as to form young people in a way that prepares them to recognize and to support necessary change impulses in social and corporate organisations.
Idioma: Inglés

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