Título: Employee Engagement: Its Effectiveness to the Employees in the Health Sector
Autores: Sabado, Alfredita Veraque Gundran
Fecha: 2012-12-28
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This study investigated   the employee engagement   of  the health sector. It examined   the adequacy   and effectiveness on the employee motivation, employee commitment, employee relationships and   employee performance as assessed by the health sector.  The findings   disclosed   that employee engagement of the health sector   are   moderately adequate    and moderately effective.  Using the   T-Test   resulted  that there is  significant  differences in the perceptions  among the respondents of employee motivation  and employee performance.  Also, outcomes   have shown that there is no significant difference on employee motivation  and employee performance.  It is recommended that the health sectors should   make a complete review   of their  human resource management practices   specially on  employee engagement . This will prime the health sectors     to craft employee engagement strategies. There will be a creation of    organizational pride for the employees since they will be satisfied, motivated , enjoying and believing   in their work.  Moreover , the culture of employee engagement  should be inculcated across all the levels of the organization. The road map of competiveness of the health sector will lead to   profitability and business success. Key words: employee engagement, employee motivation, employee commitment, employee relationships, employee performance and health sector
Idioma: Inglés