Título: Impact of Globalization on Human Resources Management in Africa: Evidence from Nigeria
Autores: Onodugo, Vincent A.
Fecha: 2012-11-30
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This study assessed the impact of globalization on key areas of human resources management among Nigerian organizations. The need for this study arose as a result of paucity of empirical studies that sought to assess the impact of globalization on human resource management in Nigeria.  The background rationale for the study was further highlighted by the consensus among Nigerian scholars that if Nigerian organizations must keep pace with competition which a globalized world has made more complex, they must properly manage their key area of comparative resource strength which is human resources. In the light of the above, this study specifically investigated the impact of globalization on the changes in HR policies of Nigerian organizations; its impact on the mobility of skilled staff and its relationship with income and compensation structure of Nigerian organizations. A sample size of 385 personnel was determined from the total population of 13,446 of the selected 8 multinational firms from oil, banking and manufacturing sectors. Survey design method was used and data were collected using questionnaire and structured interview. The analysis of data and interpretation of results yielded the following findings: Many Nigerian organizations have changed their HR policies as a result of global factors; most highly skilled staff have left Nigerian organizations in search of greener pastures overseas and most Nigerian organizations, within the sectors investigated have reviewed their income and compensation structure upward so as to retain their staff and cope with the scramble for few existing skilled personnel. Key Words: Globalization, Human Resources Policy, Labor Mobility, Compensation
Idioma: Inglés