Autores: Kim, Vincent Wee Eng
Periyayya, Thinavan
Li, Tan Ai
Fecha: 2012-11-30
Publicador: European Journal of Business and Management
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: The intention of this study is to determine the perception of students towards the effectiveness of Facebook branding for institutions of higher learning through the use of social networking sites (SNS). It is also to explore the important role they play as a media in branding for institutions of higher learning. The findings of this research are intended to provide accurate and useful information so as to facilitate further research in similar fields of study. Permission was granted by the Directors of the IHLs to deliver and collect the questionnaires. Questionnaires were given to 200 students of ten selected institutions of higher learning in the Klang Valley. The respondents involved were students enrolled in the social science, technology and art and design courses as well as all the school administrators ranging from the Principals right down to the key personnel of these departments. The respondents were asked about their perception with regards to its current Facebook website and how does it play a role in branding the institutions of higher learning so as to gain their true interpretation and understanding of Internet branding. Responses from the respondents showed that, generally branding through Facebook was more important when compared to the use of other traditional mass media. Website was another medium that could be important for branding institutions of higher learning. Many student respondents agreed that branding through Facebook was more effective in finding information as compared to the use of the traditional mass media. From the traditional mass media, one might find it difficult to obtain the required information since many institutions of higher learning seldom employ any publicity using any traditional mass media. Educational institutions that posted good websites that could provide clearer and sufficient information to their potential students, would then have a more competitive advantage compare to those who did not. Besides that, the findings have also indicated that branding through a website was definitely more effective in influencing the students in making decisions to enroll in their courses when compared to the use of traditional mass media strategy. Keywords: Facebook, Branding, Institution of Higher learning, social networking, Internet branding.
Idioma: Inglés