Título: Multiple Scale Analysis of Spatial Branching Processes under the Palm Distribution
Autores: Winter, Anita; Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Fecha: 2002-01-01
Publicador: Electronic journal of probability
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article

Tema: Mathematics
infinite particle system, superprocess, interacting diffusion, clustering, Palm distribution, grove indexed systems of diffusions, grove indexed systems of branching models, Kallenberg's backward tree
Primary 60 K 35, 60 J 80; Secondary 60 J 60
Descripción: We consider two types of measure-valued branching processes on the lattice $Z^d$. These are on the one hand side a particle system, called branching random walk, and on the other hand its continuous mass analogue, a system of interacting diffusions also called super random walk. It is known that the long-term behavior differs sharply in low and high dimensions: if $d\leq 2$ one gets local extinction, while, for $d\geq 3$, the systems tend to a non-trivial equilibrium. Due to Kallenberg's criterion, local extinction goes along with clumping around a 'typical surviving particle.' This phenomenon is called clustering. A detailed description of the clusters has been given for the corresponding processes on $R^2$ in Klenke (1997). Klenke proved that with the right scaling the mean number of particles over certain blocks are asymptotically jointly distributed like marginals of a system of coupled Feller diffusions, called system of tree indexed Feller diffusions, provided that the initial intensity is appropriately increased to counteract the local extinction. The present paper takes different remedy against the local extinction allowing also for state-dependent branching mechanisms. Instead of increasing the initial intensity, the systems are described under the Palm distribution. It will turn out together with the results in Klenke (1997) that the change to the Palm measure and the multiple scale analysis commute, as $t\to\infty$. The method of proof is based on the fact that the tree indexed systems of the branching processes and of the diffusions in the limit are completely characterized by all their moments. We develop a machinery to describe the space-time moments of the superprocess effectively and explicitly.
Idioma: Inglés

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