Título: On Fixation of Activated Random Walks
Autores: Gurel-Gurevich, Ori; Microsoft Research
Amir, Gideon; University of Toronto
Fecha: 2010-01-01
Publicador: Electronic communications in probability
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article

Tema: Activated Random Walks; Interacting Particles System
60K35; 82C22
Descripción: We prove that for the Activated Random Walks model on transitive unimodular graphs, if there is fixation, then every particle eventually fixates, almost surely. We deduce that the critical density is at most 1. Our methods apply for much more general processes on unimodular graphs. Roughly put, our result apply whenever the path of each particle has an automorphism invariant distribution and is independent of other particles' paths, and the interaction between particles is automorphism invariant and local. In particular, we do not require the particles path distribution to be Markovian. This allows us to answer a question of Rolla and Sidoravicius, in a more general setting then had been previously known (by Shellef).
Idioma: No aplica

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