Título: A Reversibility Problem for Fleming-Viot Processes
Autores: Li, Zenghu; Beijing Normal University
Shiga, Tokuzo; Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yao, Lihua; CTB-McGraw-Hill
Fecha: 1999-01-01
Publicador: Electronic communications in probability
Tipo: Peer-reviewed Article

Tema: Fleming-Viot processes, measure-valueddiffusion, reversibility, Dirichlet space
Primary 60G57, 60J60; Secondary 92D15
Descripción: Fleming-Viot processes incorporating mutation and selection are considered. It is well-known that if the mutation factor is of uniform type, the process has a reversible stationary distribution, and it has been an open problem to characterize the class of the processes that have reversible stationary distributions. This paper proves that if a Fleming-Viot process has a reversible stationary distribution, then the associated mutation operator is of uniform type.
Idioma: No aplica

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