Título: Sociology and Music Education Book Review
Autores: Rooney, Trish Julie; Institute of Education
Fecha: 2013-09-29
Publicador: Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: This book explores some of the key concepts in sociology and music education. The international community of experienced researchers and practitioners who have contributed to this book reflect current trends in the sociology of music education in Europe and the UK. There has been ongoing changes in music education throughout the last twenty years as a result of globalization and the growth of the media, reality TV shows and peoples everyday experiences of music. Musical behavior and practices have thus been effected. Sociology and Music Education provides practical and easily relatable examples of sociological theory, making this book cutting edge, very accessible and a must read for anyone interested in music education.
Idioma: Inglés