Título: The Age of Austerity and Rising Xenophobia in Greece: How do teachers experience and understand the current situation?
Autores: Chalari, Maria; Institute of Education, University of London
Fecha: 2012-09-28
Publicador: Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: Education
Financial Crisis, Xenophobia, National Identity, Education, Antiracism, Critical Race Theory, Policy Sociology, Case study, Primary School, Teachers
Descripción: Today, with the reality of everything changing so fast in Greece and within the context of financial crisis, multiple political and economic restructurings and uncertainty, the quality and equity in the Greek educational system is being seriously compromised. Schools and universities are closing; there are fewer teachers than needed in schools; there are huge cuts in teachers’ salaries; there is less money for schools, fewer materials, thus less things to do with the students inside and outside the classrooms. Linked to the economic changes is a change in views with regard to belonging and identities. Even the most superficial examination of Modern Greek society reveals that Greek national identity is increasingly growing more racist and xenophobic, a fact that reflects the deep identity crisis, which has come to underlie Greek society lately. Through my research I aim to explore teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and beliefs towards their national ‘selves’ and the national ‘others’ (minorities and immigrants), teachers’ views of the textbooks/curriculum and its relevance to their contemporary lived experiences, especially around Greek national identity; Europe; Immigration. Moreover, I intend to find out if according to the teachers the Greek education system promotes antiracism, and what challenges teachers think that the Greek education is facing in order to promote antiracism in this era of crisis. 
Idioma: Inglés