Título: In-service Teacher Educators and the Developing of Critical Teaching: Cultural Plurality – ‘Race’ and Ethnicity in ELT Education in Brazil
Autores: Ferreira, Aparecida de Jesus
Fecha: 2006-04-02
Publicador: Educate: the journal of doctoral research in education
Tipo: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Tema: No aplica
Descripción: Contextualization The main goal of this research is to develop a systematic investigation arising from some questions and concerns that confronted me as an EFL teacher and teacher educator. My main intention is to find out what EFL teachers in Brazil understand by “being critical” and whether they use “critical pedagogy” when teaching. These matters articulated themselves to me in a way that forced me to consider the need to discover the place of “critical teaching” in elementary education. There is not much new research concerning teaching EFL in Brazil, since the introduction of new National Curriculum Parameters (NCP) in 1998. The NCP identified several themes that should permeate all teaching in Brazil and I will concentrate on one particularly relevant to the curriculum of EFL that is Cultural Plurality. Inside this theme one the concept of ‘race’ and ethnicity and it is these I shall concentrate on in particular. My choice of research is related to my own ‘race’/ethnicity African-Brazilian.
Idioma: Inglés